Monday, December 6, 2010

Nello D's Euro Adventures and Transatlantic Revelations

SO, in case you rats didn't know i've gone international. i've spent the last 4 months or so studying in Rome and through the transitive property that makes me better than most of my readers. although it was a rough adjustment at first, by now i have replaced almost all of my friends back home with euro friends that understand sick haircuts and acid washed jeans.

by this point in my trip i have been throughout europe, in this blog i am going to describe my favorite cities and why i came to like them so much, as usual i'll end the post with hella shout outs to fanz and bitchz(sup gucci?) and so, hurr we go...
1. Barcelona
walking down the main road in barcelona, las ramblas, various pakistanis and morrocans approached me every few seconds with promises of booze, drugs and women. if i wasn't approached, i simply found a shady looking man on the street at shouted "aye papi, whey da weed at?"
at this point i am very tired and have a paper to write that was due on thursday, being that it is 2am roman time i will pick this post back up tomorrow or possibly later tonight during a break from my paper.
hope this kept you goddamn vicious rats satisfied!
shout outs:
gotta include my best friends in this one so; i see you gucci, il mago(stay strong brah)
my non-celeb friends
ak-47, pv-41, big j-don, thorskin, d-coy, all the rats at 1245 NS, boon dizzle, chipmunk aka phagmunk, nicky d, shrimp-c, and last but not least phat phukkin james aka koof nasty
i miss you guys and will be back running the show before you know it.
paz amor