Friday, October 14, 2011

Life of a Flapstar

TUPAC BACK! thats right errone, fintel diaries are back! after nearly a year long hiatus i've decided that enough hype has been built to get back on the interweb. however, since my recent conversion to buddhism all you fans is finta see a much more mature and wholesome nello.

but anywhoo, its the middle of the frackin night and i have a midterm due on the soon but i just d'aint care(I'M NELLO PHUCKIN D, remember?) basically, during this past year i've just been ratting at maximum levels(shout out to el flapitan), and making top 10 hot guys lists, yes the rumors are true i have come out of the closet as a proud BROMOSEXUAL(shout out to ryan gosling aka 'sling #1 on my list).

Other new shenanigans in my life:
clearly my life stank considering this is all i could come up with
-gucci mane(obviously)
-my rents: Sweet D and Papa John who bought me this turkish allen iverson jersey i am currently wearing and which has become official DDC(day drinking club) attire
-Shane Coyle who i am currently looking at
-Jarrad Q. who made a rather impressive film which can be found at
-uncircumcised men everywhere just living the everyday struggle(YOU ALL DISGUST ME)
-and finally nello d, cause without him none of this would be possible

if you are not familiar with the term fintel already, quickly go vert!