Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fat Kids on Maury=ROFLCOPTER

soooooo, i'm flipping through channels tonight and i finally settle upon what i believe to be a nature show that follows sloths around....I WAS WRONG. it was the maury povich show and the title was my baby weighs 700 pounds aka i shouldnt have banged my brother and given birth to this inbred mutant. after seeing a show like this all i could think about was how proud i am to be american.

in other news i noticed that boon attempted to make fun of me in a comment under my fat asian kid post...boon, why are you not as funny as other jewish people?

in response, i will make one mean statement about boon for my next 5 posts, tune in daily to witness boon's asshole spread wider and wider

PV i noticed you also commented on my last post which i appreciate, i will answer that extremely personal question on my next post

Shout outs:
Nello D.... word on the street is that this kid is hotter than a crowning asshole

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